No Sunrise Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Puzzle #2042 No Sunrise Lateral Thinking Puzzle

Puzzle 2042 - Presence of Mind - No sunrise Puzzle

In the middle of the night a man gets out of bed, walks to the yard and puts something in a bag. He then gets in his car, drives across town to his friend’s house and rings the doorbell. His friend answers and the man says, “Here, you wanted it, so its yours.” The man then smiles and drives home. As a result of all this, though, he never sees another sunrise in his life (but yes, he is alive).

How can you explain this? Now think laterally don’t go by all what is given!!

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Puzzle 2042 - Presence of Mind - No sunrise Puzzle solved

8 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    The man live in a home form where Sunrise can be seen … now he gave his home keys to another person and started living in another home….

    He might give his eyes to the person 🙂

  2. The man gave his alarm clock to his friend… without which he cannot wake up:)

  3. He has given his alarm clock to his friend without which early mornings are impossible:)

  4. Anonymous says:

    He has no windows in his room to see the sunrise. Doesnt mean that he couldnt see the sun any other time.

    What was in the bag? It was the Moon light

  5. P says:

    his friend couldve been his son and he gave him the keys to the home. and moved out, so no longer will he see his “son rise”

  6. Anonymous says:

    He lived on the dark side of the moon

  7. Anonymous says:

    He lived on the dark side of the moon

  8. Anonymous says:

    He gave his rooster to his friend …. and slept till noon every day


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